Farm Auction Sale
Live Farm Auction Sale
Saturday April 14 at 10:30AM
To be held on site at 2959 12th Line North Pakenham
Watch for signs!
Case 2290 2wd tractor with cab and all new tires (nice), Gleaner K2 combine with 10 ft. grain head, crop chopper and straw shredder, Case 4 furrow 18 in. semi mount plow, AC 18 ft. hyd. disc, MF 520 12 ft. Hyd disk with buster bars, AC 25 ft. cultivator with buster bars, 16 ft. McDirk sprocket packer with hyd transport, MF 424 24 run grain drill with double disc and press wheels( like new), Case IH 8330 10 ft. haybine, Befco 10 wheel hyd. fold rake, Gehl 1470 rnd baler, 10 ft. chain harrow, 5 section spike harrow, brandet 8 in. 41 ft. grain auger, 3pth G. W. crop sprayer, Danhuser 3 pth post hole auger, 12 ton tandem dump wagon with 24 ply tires, 16 ft. alum. grain box complete with auger on 12 ton running gear, 18 ft flat top wagon, rnd bale spear, Plesisville seed cleaner complete with screens, 12 ft. 4 in elec grain auger, 1951 Maple Chev 3 ton truck, old IH dump truck, MH 44 tractor (parts only) set of 20.8.38 R1 t-rail snap on duals, 16 ft. mar/craft alum. boat with trailer, some antiques including set of wheel barrow style grain scales, some household furnishing and effects, many other items to numerous items to mention.
Prop: Mr. John Ryan
Owner & Auctioneers Not Responsible for Loss or Accident
Terms: Cash or Good Cheque with Acceptable ID Only
No Interact, Or Credit Card Payments, NO BUYERS PREMIUM APPLIED!!
Auctioneers & Sale Managers
Tom Harrison Peter Ross Auction Services Ltd.
Amherstview On. 613 813 2044 Ingleside On. 613 537 8862
Pop Culture Collectible Store
George Davis combines traditional oil and water colour painting with digital drawing and art. Exploring a new frontier in art that redefines “mixed media”.
, Ontario
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