
A Gerber Auction

Saturday March 17th 2018 - 10:00 am
Saturday March 17th 2018 - to 5:00 pm
Jacobs Schoolhouse Theatre
11 Albert Street
St. Jacobs, Ontario

Online Auction

A Gerber Auction of Antiques, Collectibles, Restaurant Related & Miscellaneous Items

Saturday March 17 2018 
Sale Starts At 10:00 AM

St. Jacobs Schoolhouse Theatre
11 Albert Street
St. Jacobs, Ontario

ANTIQUES/COLLECTIBLES: 4ft., 2 board harvest table with lap drawer (old paint). Dry sink with hand water pump. Lamp table with drawer. Drop front desks. Writing desk. 2 blanket boxes (1 with drawer & old paint). Wooden storage box. 2 hall benches. Pine bench. Small pot belly stove. Old wooden incubator. Stenciled wooden washing machine with hand wringer – nice. Stenciled wooden butter churn. Empress Mangle (large wringer). Treadle sewing machine. 2 dough boxes. Cobbler’s bench. Tub stand. 2 wooden cradles. Wooden highchair. Old work bench. Leg vice. Radio. IH corn sheller, nicely stenciled. Few old farm tools. Grain cradles. Horse statue. Wooden yoke. Old horse drawn mower & rake on steel. Wooden buckets. Wooden sleigh. Stenciled boxes. Assorted wooden barrels. Old hand forge. Old Dayton & Toledo store scales. Peter Etril Snyder prints. Stained glass window.

RESTAURANT & MISCELLANEOIUS ITEMS: Garland commercial oven. New Elmira Stove Works “Findlay Oval” cook stove. 8 small restaurant tables (pedestal base). 6 small wooden restaurant tables. Cast iron table bases. Large selection of wooden chairs (many matching sets). 4ft. glass display case. 2 plastic carts (4 wheel). 3 newer lamps posts (wired), etc.

NOTE: An interesting auction! BE ON TIME as there are few small items. Click here for photos.

Cash or cheque with I.D.

Gerber Auctions Ltd.

519-699-4451 or 519-698-0138
2827 Hutchison Rd. RR#1 Millbank (Crosshill)

11 Albert Street
St. Jacobs, Ontario